The Children Theatre Artist's Perspectives On Child’s Rights And Child’s Labour In The Digital Age.
Child right, Child labour, Digital Age, Children theatre ArtistAbstract
A child is a minor, younger person being under the age of infancy and puberty. According to the Nigeria Rights Act of 2003 a child is a human being under the age of 18 years that is under the strict control and protection of parents/guardians. He/she have legal rights accrue to him/her, such right cut across the social, economic, cultural, and
religious duties; they are beneficial to the growth and development of the child. These rights are undermined daily; therefore, the child is subjected to child labour given a demeaning job and inhuman treatment. The theatre as the third eye that mirrors the society, creates awareness and correct vices in the society, through this research hereby exposed how children's right is being violated daily and they are being coerced to do a degrading job. The ability of the theatre to communicate complex issues; and its high creative skills were the tools employed to create plays dramas,
dances sketches, playlets, that advocate for child right and child labour. The quantitative research methodology and community play production were employed. Findings shows that many children were going through this trauma even though the child right laws have been in existence for so long its awareness and implementation level were very low.